About WA Limestone
WA Limestone supplies over 30 different types of raw materials products to contractors, State government, Local government, and the wider Western Australian public.
WA Limestone products and services include crushed limestone to various sizes, Armour rocks and spalls, building and construction sands, equipment hire, contract crushing, bulk earthworks, trucking hire and specialised breakwater and marina construction.

WA Bluemetal Quarry Operations
Through the WA Limestone Group’s various partners and subsidiaries, the organisation provides comprehensive solutions across material supply, civil construction and environmental management. With over 50 years of experience, the group operates quarries & concrete plants, delivers large-scale civil works, and offers heavy haulage and plant hire services.
WA Limestone Group's Businesses
Definition: To have confidence, faith or hope in someone or something. Trust is confidence in the honesty or integrity of a person or thing.
Regarded as honest and sincere; demonstrating integrity.
We are honest in our business dealings and responsible when competing for business, with an outstanding reputation as a real estate service business built on integrity over many decades of hard work in the Western Australian market.
Definition: Something that is original or true and not a copy of anything else. It implies reliability and trustworthiness.
Genuine, not counterfeit; free from pretence, affectation, or hypocrisy; sincere.
We are true to who we are, and to our clients. We never make promises we cannot keep; and we always follow through on our commitments.
Definition: Dedicated means having devoted something to a specific purpose or person; dedicated is devoted to a purpose or ideal.
Made, built or designed for a specific purpose; wholly committed to a purpose or ideal.
We are dedicated to our employees and our clients. We ensure we take the time to understand their needs and aspirations, and respond to these in an authentic way.
Definition: Having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs; showing or expressing strong emotion; ardent and resilient.
Our unwavering drive to do the best for our clients keeps us invigorated and feeds the passion we have for delivering our services in the Western Australian market.
Definition: Easily approached; friendly and receptive; easily accessible – friendly and easy to talk to.
We are open, amiable, easy-going and engaging. We are never intimidating or manipulative. We like our clients, and our clients like us – because at the end of the day we are very similar; hardworking, ambitious and determined to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Definition: An approach characterised by working together; two or more groups working together to establish an outcome.
The quality of our people is the cornerstone of our ability to serve our clients. In collaborating with our exceptional employees, we create an environment that also fosters the growth of our clients’ businesses and their property goals.
Our People
Our people are central to our success and work in a wide range of disciplines and professions across our business.
The quality of our team is a key driver of our success. It is through the success of our people that the company continues to grow and do great things. We can only deliver creative, effective solutions for our customers through the unique skills and perspectives of our employees.

Ocean Reef Marina

Onslow Quarry