Shaping Western Australia's Coastlines and Infrastructure
WA Limestone Contracting plays a pivotal role in Western Australia’s coastal and infrastructure development, historically specialising in seawalls and critical marine structures. The division protects coastal assets while supporting the development of harbours and marinas. Beyond marine works, today it also contributes to major infrastructure alliances, delivering large-scale projects through expertise in earthworks, material placement, and environmental compliance.

Point Perron Groyne
From Fremantle's Seawalls to Perth's Major Highway Projects
WA Limestone Contracting has been instrumental in delivering key projects across Western Australia, including the construction of seawalls for the Fremantle Sailing Club, Ocean Reef Marina, Augusta Boat Harbour, and the Broome groyne. The division has also contributed to significant alliance projects such as the Perth to Bunbury Highway and Tonkin Gap project.

Tonkin Gap