Our Environmental Vision
WA Limestone is dedicated to fostering a culture of sustainability and minimizing our impact on the natural environment and social surroundings wherever reasonably practicable, to benefit current and future generations.
We strive to achieve this by continuously improving our Environmental Management System and enhancing our environmental performance. Additionally, we are committed to integrating sustainability principles and practices into all aspects of our operations.

Point Perron Groyne
WA Limestone Group Environment Policy Vision
WA Limestone Group Environment Commitment
WA Limestone is committed to:
- The prevention of pollution and protection of the natural environment
Compliance with environmental laws, regulations and obligations - Continuous improvement to enhance environmental performance
- Undertaking all phases of business activities in an environmentally responsible manner through effective management practices.
- Considering environmental aspects as an essential element when evaluating the life cycle of the company’s activities, products, and services.

Augusta Boat Harbour