WA Limestone is a family owned Western Australian company that has been operating for over 50 years. With a strong emphasis on customer service, WA Limestone has become one of the biggest suppliers of road construction materials in Western Australia with quarries strategically located all over the Perth Metropolitan Area.
WA Limestone is one of the biggest suppliers of road construction and building materials in Western Australia with quarries strategically located all over the Perth metropolitan area. From these locations, WA Limestone supplies over 40 different types of raw materials products to contractors, state government, local government, and the wider Western Australian public.
Reducing the adverse effects on the communities and environments where we operate is essential. Even more crucial is the opportunity we have to foster positive change. In all our activities, we actively strive to promote diversity and inclusion, support local communities, and safeguard our natural environment.
Through our various businesses, the WA Limestone Group has 35 quarries located across the state offering over 40 different types of raw materials and supplying the market with more than 6 million tonnes of product each year, which is used in seawalls, roads, bridges, property developments, public spaces, railways and more.
We aim for outstanding performance in every project we undertake.
Stay up to date with all the latest WA Limestone Group news and projects from around the State.
Set your career in stone … with WA Limestone. We’re a proud, family-owned business, with a range of positions available, including machinery operators, HD Fitters and Mobile Plant Mechanics. For a current list of roles available please see our Seek Profile.
This included recovering, sorting and regrading approximately 350,000 tonnes of rock from four existing breakwaters, and supplying an additional 100,000 tonnes of core and armour rock to complete the job.
State Government
Port Geographe